Everything You Need to Know About Chimney Repair


Everything You Need to Know About Chimney Repair

Your chimney is an essential part of your home that funnels smoke and fumes out into the outside air. When it isn’t working properly, it can cause problems, including carbon monoxide poisoning and dangerous smoke buildup.

It’s important to have your chimney inspected and cleaned regularly. This will allow a professional to identify potential issues and make repairs before they become worse.

A professional will also be able to assess whether your chimney needs a full rebuild. While a small issue like missing bricks may be able to be restored, other more serious problems could require a complete rebuild.


Masonry Damage and Leaks

The masonry material used in your chimney is extremely vulnerable to moisture. Rainwater or melting snow and ice can soak into the mortar joints and crack the bricks, causing problems that will need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Typically, these bricks will need to be repaired or replaced to ensure they don’t become further damaged from the water and that the chimney doesn’t leak or develop mold.

Another common problem associated with masonry is spalling, which happens when moisture seeps into the bricks. This is a major concern since it can compromise the structure of your chimney and cause it to lean or fall over.

When it comes to masonry, you can prevent problems from occurring in the first place by applying a water repellent to the bricks as soon as they show signs of moisture.

This is especially true for the area around your chimney’s crown, which is the cement layer covering most of the flue opening at the top of the chimney. When the crown starts to wear away, it will expose a gap that allows moisture to enter the chimney and potentially spread throughout your home.

If the crack is significant, you’ll need to have it repaired and re-caulked. This is a process that requires the use of a specialist tool and can be time-consuming, but it’s worth it to keep your chimney safe.

Cracks in the chimney crown are another major problem that should be fixed by a professional immediately. Once the crown cracks, it will allow water to enter the chimney and will corrode the cement that covers the top of your chimney.

Usually, this can be repaired without a full rebuild, but if the crown is too worn out to repair, it will need to be replaced.

In some cases, a new flashing can be installed to protect the chimney and roof. This will require the removal of old caulking and the installation of new, waterproof caulking.

If your chimney has a damper that controls the flow of smoke, it will need to be repaired as well. These dampers can come loose or break and are difficult to work on.

The damper is connected to a rod that attaches to the chimney and a nut that holds it in place. You can remove these parts yourself if you’re an experienced DIYer, or you can hire a professional to handle the task.


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